Your employees need a reliable way to get to and from work. JM&M’s transportation benefit offers that with a totally innovative approach: long-term rentals.
Technology is changing the world. In the past, owning a vehicle was the only way to be independent. Now, a vehicle is simply a cost-effective way to get from point A to point B. JM&M offers your employees a trouble-free, affordable way to rent their own new (or nearly new) vehicle for up to five years. It’s like a lease, but without a down payment and 100% budget-friendly!
Vehicles in our program all have incredibly low maintenance costs and have a high ranking on Consumer Report’s various metrics.
In order to promote a healthier community, JM&M only offers transportation benefits on electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. Ultimately, this keeps costs lower and helps to make JM&M communities better places to live.
Cost Efficiency
To make the transportation program as cost effective as possible, JM&M strongly recommends that institutions install free charge stations for their employees if they do not already have them. That way, employees who live in apartments who do not have access to charging infrastructure may still have access to the transportation program.
Find out more
Want more specifics on JM&M’s transportation benefits? See below.